Tuesday, September 30, 2008

History of NAGOPS

In the fall of 1973, an organizational effort resulting in the formation of the Needle Arts Guild of Puget Sound.
The name first chosen was Puget Sound Needles Arts.
The need was established to have an organized group, by many ladies in Puget Sound area.
During the 70's, many classes were held in the high school and community college campus dealing with handwork. Now the high school rarely has Home Ec. classes. It is the computer age, and stitcher do avail themselves of the computer for lots of information dealing with the Needle Arts.
Our shops that carried threads and canvas and needlework books have disappeared from our shopping areas. It is internet shopping now. Not nearly as much fun.
We would take a regular stitchery day and go on field trips to our favorite stitchery and quilting stores.
Satellite Groups were established according to zip codes. Here are the selected names for those satellites: Needle Knotters, Eliza Janes Stitchers, Stitch Witches, Narrows Needlers and Moonliters. Many more satellites have been added and many have disbanded over the years.
There were 123 charter members in 1974. Yearly membership have been recorded in the early years of over 400 members.

Encourage others to become a part of your satellite this year.

The Needle Arts Guild of Puget Sound (NAGOPS or the Guild) was organized for educational purposes, to advance the fine art creative needlework while enjoying fellowship and the exchange of ideas. It is our goal to promote high standards in needlework and design.

The Guild is made up of smaller groups. Satellites and interest groups meet in homes or community center throughout the Pierce County area in Washington State, usually from September to June. Each group has a coordinator who directs the group's stitchery activities for the year.

NAGOPS has at least three general meetings a year where the business of the guild is conducted. There is usually a guest lecturer or activity related to the stitching art at each meeting. General meetings are very important for the smooth operation of the Guild and sharing fun and work of others.

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